
We want to work with you in a radically different way.

Finding the right fit and opportunity for us to work together is our special sauce.

business consulting services


Let’s explore, engage, and transform insights into future actions

  • It all begins with a question or an idea. Let's spend some time defining, understanding, and diagnosing the challenges you're sitting with, to architect an impactful action plan.

    We want to innovate with intent and curate purpose-driven outcomes.

A.I. Discovery

Lab Workshop

Immersive exploration through the lens of curiosity, imagination, and innovation 

  • Let's explore together and break down some of those questions and fears and understand the basics.

    • What is A.I. (for the non tech people amongst us)?

    • Which model is best for which use case?

    • How do we bring A.I. into a natural cadence in our workplace?

    • Does the use of A.I. look different from the Board, through to the C-suit to the front line and how do we have a cohesive approach?


We want to work with you not just execute on behalf of you 

  • With expertise focusing on understanding the current trends and future signals across the health sector, we work with you to create and execute your future strategy to ensure impact and business sustainability.

    Concentrating on:

    • Strategy

    • Program development and service design

    • Strategic operations

    • A.I. workforce coaching & education

    • A.I. discovery and roadmaps

    • Due diligence and governance

    • Cost management and revenue leakage prevention

    • Scaling and rationalising operating models

    • Digital transformation and adoption

    • Change management

    • Private health fund and third party contracting

    • Network introductions

    The health ecosystem is ripe for disruption and it’s incumbent on all players to find that sweet spot in the venn diagram to enact this change, together on behalf of our communities.

    This is a journey that is meaningful to Dialectical Consultancy.

    The personal is political

  • Driven by meaningful curiosity and anchored in human-centric design, our value lies in identifying your unique pain points and devising real-world solutions and cohesive strategies that are sustainable and aligned with your current business needs and future goals.

    Concentrating on:

    • Strategic operations

    • Operational design, modelling and efficiencies

    • A.I. readiness coaching and roadmap creation

    • Go to market strategies

    • Growth and partnership strategies

    • Enterprise architecture solutioning

    • Strategic branding and platform channel expertise

    • Network introductions

    Let’s come together and understand the what and the why so we can innovate towards the next steps for you.


We want to challenge you to sit in the uncomfortable and utilise that tension to lever personal and professional growth that is meaningful to you and those around you

  • Once we move into c-suite, executive or new management roles we are suddenly being tested on our EQ not just our IQ and KPIs.

    Our ability to be present and authentic, decisive and compassionate whilst also balancing commercial acumen are some of the many dualities that successful leaders need to hone.

    Leveraging my years as a mental health clinician, trained psychotherapist and business executive in the private sector, I will take you through my approach in bringing your full self into your role.

    Your ability to bring your authentic self more fully to the front as a leader will bring the best ROI for you, your team and your business.

  • Running a business can be lonely and complex. Sometimes we need someone to bounce ideas off, vent to, get a reframe or context change or test some ideas.

    We focus on being a catalyst for clarity and direction whilst offering reflections and insights.

    We act as an accountability partner to ensure you're continuously moving toward strategic growth.

    Opening up our networks and resources to you, we help connect the dots across industry.

    So why don’t we start with you telling us what made you decide to start your business in the first place. Human aspiration is always going to help us uncover the opportunities and tension points towards further growth.